Entertaining Facts & Horror About Social Network Zon

Entertain Me (Entertaining Facts About Social Network Zon)
We Acquired a Loan

Our CEO, Victor Porton, lent to this company $3241.01 from his personal money. $3240 of it will be used for SEO of this site by our partner, and AI SEO company AIContentfy. Our company is in the beginning of its business journey, and we are going to acquire much more money from investment by people […]
Invest in Zon: A Modern Social Network That Stands Out from the Rest

➥➤ Click here to invest. Zon is a platform that sets itself apart from all other social networks. With global interest in such platforms ever-increasing, we’ve identified a unique gap in the market that will attract a substantial user base. Investing in this startup not only offers you the opportunity for passive income, but our […]
Work on This Project is a Scientific Research

During work on this project, quite a serious scientific research emerged: A component of this project NacDB database (that I am creating from scratch) required research on the topic how to make a reliable system out of unreliable actors in actor model. I tried several variants and finally came up with a solution that I […]